If you are a network marketer in a developing country or lack the
viable means to physically recruit persons to your business, then a good option would be to switch your focus to recruiting on the internet. The first thing I would recommend you do is set up a blog.
The reason for this is that your blog can act as a hub for all your content and online interactions. Readers, followers and down line can have 24/7 access to YOU. Post your insights, tips and resources for the team and community you are building. Additionally, you can have your blog posts automatically posted to your other social media outlets such as Twitter,Facebook, Linkedin, and/or Pinterest accounts etc.
Here is another reason to set up your MLM blog: As you develop a following in your niche, and a level of trust begins to develop because of the awesome content you have been posting, there will be various opportunities to make additional income from your blog. This will mainly be in the form of selling affiliate products to your niche. As you go on your internet marketing journey, you can refer online tools that you know of, or that works for you to make a commission. Here is a short post about a company I use to sell affiliate products. Another popular site is Clickbank.
Writing a blog fuels your creativity. In writing your blog, you are forced to think like your target reader, address problems and find effective solutions. The presentation of these findings via your blog can be very enlightening for your personal growth as a leader. Reading through your posts over time can give you extra insights which you did not see before and you can then make this new information great content for your readers. If for only one reason you decide to blog, do it for this. The writing process can organize your thoughts into brilliant action plans for any business you are in and help you to achieve your goals faster.
The final point I would like to make about blogging, many in the industry may consider this one of the most important….. Before getting to the point, let’s be clear, my intention with blogging is to grow my network and make money and chances are if you are reading this, you would like to do the same as it relates to your online business (whether it be network marketing or something else).
With that being said…
Your email list is composed of readers of your blog who like your content so much that they subscribe to start receiving emails from you. This is the opportunity you have to pitch directly to very interested prospects. The more persons on your list, the more money you can make. Your blog can be a HUGE list building tool for your business. As people in the industry like to say, “the money is in the list” (and the content). If you can connect and be of value to your target audience, your list is bound to grow and you are bound to start making some real money as your network expands.
Hope this was helpful.