I am writing this post air my position on this issue as it relates to internet marketing. My aim is to save you lots of time in getting your MLM blog up and running smoothly.
Do these claims sound familiar? “GET 50 LEADS IN ONE DAY!” or “TURN YOUR BUSINESS INTO A TRAFFIC MONSTER!”. You get the point…
I have wasted hundreds of hours reading blogs/websites and buying eBooks that I thought would get me “50 leads per day” for my network marketing business. What I have come to realize is that most of these materials are bundling affiliate marketing techniques and advertising these techniques as if they apply fully to network marketing(MLM) online.
Don’t get me wrong, the information in these systems can be extremely useful as it relates to making money on the internet through selling other people’s products (Affiliate marketing). The problem is that they are not specifically designed for attracting persons to your primary network marketing business which involves actually selling products and recruiting hungry sellers.
The truth is that you will eventually need a lot of this knowledge as it is to your benefit to have multiple sources of income on your blog. The more information you have, the more ways you can find monetize to your niche.
My intention was to alert you to this common misrepresentation, and if you decide to seek resources that you pay for, ensure that you know exactly what you are getting. If your goal is to grow your primary network marketing business online, then the majority of content in the eBook you paid for needs to be dedicated to the subject of online MLM not just one chapter.
I would love to hear other views on this.